• Tongue cleaning

Dear doctor, I usually have the habit of brushing teeth carefully and regularly. However, some peoples advised me to scrap tongue if I want there is no unpleasant odor. Is this necessary and what the effect? Please give me an correct answer.

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If brushing is required by the cleaning blade shaving rinse largely depends on your choice .

Why brushing so important ? That's because the main function of brushing is to eliminate the plaque , not to eliminate pathogens

Plaque will form in anyone's mouth . The bacteria will always be " present " in the foods and beverages you use every day .

According to experts , plaque formation is usually within 24 hours . Therefore, you should brush your teeth everyday at least 1-2 times / day to prevent the formation of plaque . This is also the best way to keep your teeth always make , healthy and limiting to the minimum the risk of dental disease .

But the main purpose is to keep the razor blade to always freshen breath . Some people need to do this very often , but even to those who never ever tongue .

In general , most of the blade is self-cleaning ability without necessarily thanks to the help from the " client " . Because the blades are able to move through the process and saliva can be constantly cleaned . Therefore, just brushing , gargling , removing trapped food is enough to take a breath is sweet .

If brushing , mouthwash is not enough to make you feel confident with your breath , you can use to add a tongue cleaning . Currently, the market also sell many of the scraper blade designs and many different utilities , you can choose a tongue scraper consolidation, if desired .


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