• Quick whitening in 1 hour

quick whitening(within 1 hour) usually applies to patients who have been bleached or when you do not have time. If that slightly darker color then the doctor will usually recommend the option of bleaching at home because you have 7 to 10 nights take drugs.

quick whitening(within 1 hour) usually applies to patients who have been bleached or when you do not have time. If that slightly darker color then the doctor will usually recommend the option of bleaching at home because you have 7 to 10 nights take drugs.

Procedure :

1 . Preparation before cleaning :

- Check and resolve periodontal disease or cavities , broken fillings and untreated .

- Take color pictures than before treatment

- Cleaning the glue tartar and outside ( if available) before treatment , tooth polishing with pumice powder prior to bleaching .

- Patients and staff  must wear UV protection .

- Take the tray to check your teeth continue whitening results at home after whitening at clinic.

2 . Apply gel to protect gums

Luma Cool whitening light system ( produced by the United States ) for quick whitening in 1 hour

Luma Cool Luma Cool whitenning

Gingival protection gel will be applied to the contact area between the teeth and gums in order to not hurt the gums when the projector lamp bleaching .

protection gel cover

bleaching lamp lighting

The gel cover the gums and projector lights will be done a few times in the entire process of bleaching .

3 . Negative bleaching gel :

After cleaning the tooth surface , installation tools and cover your mouth gum balls , bleaching gel layer thickness of about 1 - 2mm coat the teeth with a brush every government , projector lamp for 10 minutes . This procedure was repeated 2 times , so each tooth bleaching 3 times .

Before After
Before After

4 . Cleaning after removal :

Hygiene and periodontal gel mask whitening gel , tooth polishing with diamond powder and compared the color after bleaching teeth . Gutters and increase in the bleach will also be given to patients with carefully advised on the implementation requirements for patient whitening .

End of treatment process , check after 3 days of appointments


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