• Porcelain cover for teeth.

Porcelain cover are usually made ​​for tooth ( have base) that needed cover by. Teeth should be grinding and wrapped around by porcelain crowns.

Porcelain cover are usually made ​​for tooth ( have base) that needed cover by. Teeth should be  grinding and wrapped around by porcelain crowns.

Casing for porcelain teeth , porcelain cover:

- In case your teeth are chipped , large or deep marrow therapist , then you should cover Porcelain toothtooth to protect and ensure the aesthetics of your smile .

- Porcelain dental bridge : When you lose a tooth or multiple teeth porcelain bridge will be an optimal solution to replace missing teeth . Doctors will wear two small teeth and missing teeth molded onto a bridge attached . A bridge at least three units of Porcelain toothbonded to each other .

There are several types of Porcelain tooth: When your broken teeth , missing teeth , where tooth enamel loss , teeth darkened by tetracycline irreversibly infected , your doctor will advise you to do su.Rang porcelain teeth can be divided into two categories :

Metal boder  ( alloy , titanium , gold .... ) and the ceramic coating on the outside . But satisfactory cosmetic Porcelain toothmetal but there are various disadvantages :

Metal porcelain teeth ,  low price but with good ease irritation , causing gingivitis and bad breath .

porcelain moderate titanium tooth :  highly aesthetic , non-allergenic , but after a period of use ( 8 to 10 years ) appears light gray metallic neckline that place

precious metals tooth porcelain ( gold ..... ) achieved high aesthetic requirements , but does not irritate the high cost

Porcelain tooth ( no metal porcelain teeth ) is made ​​entirely of porcelain , achieve high aesthetic requirements , giving you complete confidence when communicating with her ​​radiant smile

does not change color over time ?

Porcelain toothis the main component is SiO2 so that the mission does not change color over time in the environment of the human mouth .

Porcelain Dental Care

You should oral hygiene as dental care information direct thuong.Tranh bite too hard objects that have special places for mat.Nen teeth to dental clinics for Dental care on a regular 6 month / time .

Ceramic dental restorations do not need to take root canals

The pulp is responsible for nurturing teeth , help teeth under the effect of chewing forces ... so when porcelain dental restorations if not necessary , the doctor will keep your root canal . In some special cases, the doctor will take the tooth pulp ( abnormally shaped teeth , deviations grow , teeth too small , large deep into the marrow ... ) .


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