• Note how to hygiene the denture

After each meal, remove the dentures, hygiene and sanitation gums 2 times one day.

Cleaning dentures:

- After each meal , remove the dentures , hygiene and sanitation gums 2 times one day .

- Rub clean with a soft brush dentures with soap does not contain the abrasive quality dentures . Do not use regular toothpaste or harsh cleaners such as bleach for cleaning dentures for easy wear dentures .

- Remove dentures at night and soak in a glass of water , use more drugs soaked

- When cleaning dentures , should be on a blanket or cloth soaked in water , in case you accidentally drop the denture .

- If there are cracks or dentures cause discomfort , go to the dentist to be revised .

Common diseases of the oral cavity reasons related to dentures

- Fungal Candidas infections

- Ulcers fake injuries gum balance

- Inflammation of lips by biting excessive angle

- The sensitivity with base resin of the denture


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