• No.5 International Dental clinic - Prestige, quality

Satisfaction,trust and quality expertise assessment from specialist are operating guideline of No.5 International Dental Clinic . Please contact us to receive perfectly dental services.

You can be completely confident with our modern equipment and machinery.

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Dental chair system machine Actus 9000

adequate facilities for the treatment

Dental chair computer system 100% brand new Actus 9000 - The company is specialized in manufacturing dental chairs famous machine number 1 in Japan. With scientific design, navigate to the utility for users, chairs help Actus 9000 customers really comfortable when treatment is long and is great tool to help doctors make treatment manipulate complex accuracy.


Camera endoscope in the mouth:

Seen in picture and treatment outcome in the most subtle angle that was previously only specialist visible. This is a support vehicle diagnosis and excellent treatment to help doctors diagnose and offer treatment methods optimal.


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Endoscopic Camera (Oralcam)

Displaying images on the computer screen

help patients see all the abnormalities of your teeth,

and help patients compare the results before and after treatment

X-Ray System Digital:

X-Ray System Digital latest generation safety and reduce 90% of radiation, combined with specialized software - fast exactly, shorten treatment time by not waiting time film wash.

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X-ray machines are supported Digital CDR-DICOM Software

Intelligent image processing results in fast, accurate

and 90% reduction in the amount of X-rays


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