• Method for infants with cleft lip slot or slots cleft palate feeding or eating without choking

Keep infant in a sitting position, use of perforated slightly larger holes nipples and milk stream flowing to the side of his mouth.

The only difficulty is to be patient and take time. Only in a very few special cases, new people put a plastic instrument to slot palate to keep food or milk does not choke on the nose. Many also design some special kind of own nipples.

The flow of liquid feed requirements should be adjusted in accordance with his or her ability to swallow. Feeding quickly enough to prevent the baby from feeling tired. This can lead to eating from a spoon.

Like all the other normal child, oral hygiene for baby gap palate is very important. After each feeding the child should gargle with a little water to clean the leftover food in the mouth is closed positions around the lips and mucosa gap.


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