• Dental care for pregnants

Science has proven that the fetus needs calcium sources are not drawn from the teeth. However, women are often damaged teeth during pregnancy, due to many reasons such as:

The body needs nutrients to the fetus and the mother often hungry appetite so snacking throughout the day, very easy to tooth decay.

Gagging as gastric acid secretion in the stomach made ​​of enamel mineral, easy tooth decay and tooth erosion over. Vomiting also make them very afraid brushing.

During pregnancy, the hormones change women more prone to gingivitis, periodontitis is caused when plaque at the site such as. Severe inflammation than normal, sometimes the tumor progresses gums.

Some places still have outdated notions, not for women brushing within 1 month after giving birth to that "fall off soon." The brush does not work in 1 month exacerbate inflammatory periodontal disease leads to tooth loss.

So to keep your teeth during pregnancy and after delivered:

Pregnant women need to eat enough food and nutrients properly.

Keep oral hygiene cleaner can not take time.

Use additional flour products to enhance prevention of tooth decay and tooth erosion.


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