• Defective smiles

Smile is an emotional expression in subtle way of human. Through smiles, people may know your feelings.

Smile is an emotional expression in subtle way of human. Through smiles, people may know your feelings.

But according to scientists , laughter is not a simple operation . First of all , laughter is a controlled activity from the brain and reflex smile begins from an earlier stimulation of the hypothalamus ( hypothalamus ) , a high- level centralized nervous system , controlling all system activity The autonomic nervous .

Stimulation smile spread like a wave and transmits nerve impulses to the emotional brain areas at the edge . After the signal is emitted : relaxing facial muscles to express affection and contentment will appear in the face . If the next stimulus in the hypothalamus , the reaction to it will be dissatisfied . To hatch a simple smile , as slight movements of the eyes and lips , at least 15 body parts that work together . But not only that , each type of laughter is related to various organs , to create distinctive character .

However, you will not have a perfect smile when unfortunately a few flaws such as asymmetric lips , dark teeth , gums leaking laugh too much , ...

The defect is also noteworthy for clinicians when making a dental prosthesis . Because if not corrected the deficiencies , the treatment outcome is not really what you expected .


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