• Causes of bad breath

Human's mouth is moist environment, conducive to bacterial growth. Oral cavity contains millions of bacteria that causes most of the symptoms of bad breath.

Bad breath has many causes , often caused by periodontal disease , the gums , the oral cavity - tongue base , sometimes cause nasal sinus and digestive system .

Cause by  mouth

- Poor oral hygiene , dental plaque , food left in teeth cavity opportunities for bacterial fermentation and development , the release of odorous compounds .

In addition, poor oral hygiene leads to the formation of deep holes . This is also havens and development of bacteria and debris deposits containing foods can lead to odor.

- Oral Infections : gingivitis ( swollen gums that bleed easily ) , oral mucositis , periodontitis ( periodontal pockets with loose teeth ) , dental abscess .

- Inserting dentures do not properly feed

- Dry mouth : after radiation therapy or as Sjogren's syndrome makes the amount of saliva in your mouth to reduce the ability of natural self- cleaning brush is easy to reduce tooth decay and bad breath .

Causes not from mouth:

- Respiratory tract infections : pharyngitis , sinusitis .

- Gastrointestinal infections : Stomach

Other factors , some critically smelly food such as onions, garlic , ..


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